Saturday, November 26, 2011

Twilight Pt. 3: Eclipse

I'm moving along rather splendidly in the series I'd say haha ;P. I actually have a lot more negative thoughts about Eclipse than I expected.

Edward's control issue really annoyed me. He tries to tell her who she can see, who she can't see. What she can do, what she can't do, etc. He obviously isn't trusting her. I can understand him being uncomfortable with her seeing Jacob. Especially since that's his enemy. But him demanding her to not see Jacob is just immature and unnecessary. He just as easily could have stated his concerns, and then trusted her to the rest. But instead he followed her and kept an eye on her without any need to. In his favor though, by the end of the movie, he starts to control her less and doesn't even get upset over her kissing Jacob. I was rather shocked, but I respected him a bit more for that.

I was incredibly peeved at Bella for kissing Jacob though. Yes, she admitted her feelings for him, finally, but in the end, it just hurt Jacob more. I understand she was trying to save Jacob from doing something reckless, but we can't control the actions of others, and his recklessness was very manipulative and child-like.

On a more positive note, I was honestly surprised when Edward denied Bella sex. He told her he wanted to wait until marriage. That was very noble and respect-worthy of him. I also was pleasantly surprised to see the two enemies (Cullins and Werewolf clan) come together and fight for the same cause. Later, the leaders even shook hands. I very much appreciated that.

Right now, I'm not Team Edward or Team Jacob. They're both being idiots at this point. Jacob is less of one than Edward, but he's still lacking in many areas.

Overall, this movie gave me a very sick feeling for some reason. I'm not entirely sure why either. I think it was just the mixture of darkness, control, and hurt going on, and sometimes stupid drama makes me nauseous. Hopefully Breaking Dawn is better...

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