Friday, October 7, 2011

The beauty of the tattered

I love this chair. Not necessarily for it's looks (although I do love the looks), but for what it represents. It's a reminder. There it sits, tattered and torn, used and abused, yet, to me, it's still beautiful. It reminds me that, no matter how worn and tattered we are, the Lord can still make us beautiful.

Each of us have our own story. Our own failures. Our own struggles. But no matter what we've been through, in Him, we're still beautiful.

And it's for this reason, I haven't even tried fixing the torn and tattered fabric of the chair. It's been through a lot, yes, but it's still beautiful. And I like waking up to the reminder that no matter what, He can make everything beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this, Courtney!!!
    so enjoyed spending time with you Fri eve.
    Bob loved it too! :)
    in fact, He thanked the Lord for you, when we were praying last night! :)
    you're a sweet gift!
